RSL Classical Piano Syllabus

RSL Classical Piano Syllabus

The all new RSL Classical piano Syllabus offers a new format for Piano grade qualifications which includes piano music from the Baroque, Classical and Romantic eras together with repertoire from the 20th and 21st century.  Representing compsers from the Western Classical tradition from both the past and present.  

The pieces represent music of our time and music that break boundaries.  Some of the pieces are written for film, others for TV, Games, Jazz or reflect the composer's own cultural heritage.

Not only can you select pieces from the books (each book contains 10 pieces) but you are able to select a "Free Choice Piece" from anywhere else to prepare and submit instead.  There is also crossover with the Rockschool Syllabus.

The Performance Certificate requires performance of five pieces.  

The Graded Music Exam requires 3 pieces along with Unseen Tests ( a choice of Sight-Reading or Interpretation and Improvisation; Melodic Recall Aural Tests; and General Musicianship Questions ) and the Technical Exercises (Scales, broken chords and arpeggios) which have been carefully selected to assess the same level of skills specific to Classical playing techniques.

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